Invisalign has become a popular alternative to traditional braces because it can straighten your teeth without bulky metal brackets. These clear plastic aligner trays are customized to fit snuggly over your pearly whites to gently move them to their ideal positions over time. Your dentist will provide you with new aligners every 1 to 2 weeks to account for movement in your teeth throughout treatment.
Some patients are surprised to realize, however, that they’re simply not seeing the results they anticipated. If this sounds like you, keep reading to learn 3 reasons why this might be happening so you can get back on track!
Reason #1: Stubborn Teeth
Your Invisalign therapy is customized to your circumstances with computer models that run thousands of scenarios to devise the best one for you. That said, the machines are unable to anticipate whether a certain person will have teeth that remain put despite their best efforts. Some are known to be harder to shift than others, like your lateral incisors, for example. In those instances, your dentist can attach buttons to those teeth which are used to anchor rubber bands to apply extra force to encourage them to move.
Reason #2: Overcrowding
Your pearly whites can collide with each other during treatment which can leave them pushing inappropriately against each other as they try to occupy the same space. This bottle-necking effect can slow them down or stop their movement altogether. To address it, your dentist can reshape them using a technique called interproximal reduction, or IPR. It’s a safe and common procedure that involves removing a small amount of enamel, so the teeth are no longer touching and have more space.
Reason #3: Daily Wear Time
You might also notice your orthodontics aren’t effective if you don’t wear them for the prescribed time. To prevent your teeth from reverting to their previous placements, it’s imperative that you wear your aligners for 22 hours per day. Many patients struggle with this either because of comfort level, inconvenience, or forgetting to put them back in after removing them for meals or cleanings. Fortunately, there are apps that you can download to your smartphone that can help you track how long you’re wearing them and, perhaps more importantly, a timer that will remind you to put them back in.
There are other reasons your Invisalign might not be as effective as you’d hoped, but only your dentist has the expertise and instruments necessary to identify the cause and suggest solutions. Give them a call so that you can continue your journey toward a beautifully straight smile!
About the Practice
At Arlington Heights Orthodontics & Pediatric Dentistry, patients benefit from a full dental team that includes an orthodontist and pediatric dentist who are both board-certified. Our specialists provide a full range of dental and orthodontic services to enhance your child’s well-being by improving their oral health. They’re happy to consult with you about clear aligners like Invisalign if you’re concerned about your child having bite issues, small gaps, or overcrowded teeth. You’re welcome to request an appointment on the website or by calling (847) 255-3020.